I like to wean myself off slowly as the school year finishes. I find a good book, in this case
The Cellist of Sarajevo, and vow to check my RSS feeds and email not more than twice a day. It's been difficult. The book is riveting but there are all the wonderful posts and resources surfacing in the wake of NECC and they are calling to me.
It's wonderful to get a small taste of the excitement and AHA moments as conference goers discover new tools, new ways of reaching students and share all that is good in the world of teaching and technology. I'm checking del.icio.us and diigo for necc08 tags and watching ustreamed presentations.
It's amazing how many people I recognize now in the video clips and photos but have never met in person. At the first NECC I attended in Philadelphia in 2005 I remember being ecstatic when I stopped someone in the hall to ask directions and read Kathy Schrock on her name tag.
So I'm taking a little break from blogging, catching up with family and friends. I fear that some of my newly acquired technology skills will atrophy over the summer so I know I will be back from time to time. Especially if the monsoon-like weather we've been having stays around.
Photo: My daughter at her summer job feeding Moose in the wild Canadian north.