Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Reading

Ah, to have the time for some discerning reading. This summer's bookshelf started off with "The Cellist of Sarajevo" by Steven Galloway. This book moved me to tears and pricked my conscience. It's the kind of book that wrings you out but won't let you stop reading. For a review that says it better than I ever could check out Music for a Broken City.

The music refered to is Adagio in G Minor and it has a story all its own. You can hear a snippet of it on Last FM.

From there I moved on to some humorous fluff, Nora Ephron's "I Feel Bad About My Neck." I needed a laugh and found it here. If you're female and approaching middle age (whatever that constitutes these days) you will identify with it. For some time now I have been contemplating retirement and wondering what shape it will take. I'm not ready to give up the learning, just the job. Perhaps I will start an 'on the eve of retirement' blog.

Image used under Creative Commons Licence thanks to: bartimaeus from

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