I am trying out Diigo because I liked the idea that you can post directly to your blog from another web page. You can also highlight text, add a sticky note or comment. It took a couple of tries but the blog posting feature worked. It seems it didn't like it when I tried to change the font size. See the link to Nick Senger's post below along with my comment.
It tied right into what I was doing yesterday when I spent a couple of hours cleaning out old files at home. That is, the paper files I have kept in my filing cabinet over the years. I found cards and letters going back to 1961. What a kick! There were ones from people I no longer remember which I put in the recycling bin. Who was Doris anyway? I kept the ones from relatives and friends. The thing that really struck me was how much emotion was attached to just seeing the handwriting let alone reading the letters. I began to wonder what my own child will have to look back on. Most of her correspondence is kept in the cyber world. Somehow reading old emails, if I have even kept them in the first place, doesn't pack the same emotional punch. Note to self: write daughter a letter, put it in an envelope and mail it to her.
I wouldn't give up my online connections for the world but I still value those personal communications that come through the letterbox!
A Thanksgiving Lesson for Teens Annotated
It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the U.S., so why not use this time to teach your students the ancient art of writing thank-you notes? Show the world that teenagers can be gracious and appreciative too, if they’re given the right skills. With the following six simple steps, your students can be the most courteous class in the school.
Photo Credit: Wim Mulder
1 comment:
I absolutely agree that seeing handwriting in an old letter is priceless. This is especially true after a person is gone. I'm going to mail a letter to my two boys as well. Maybe I'll make it a habit. The beginning and end of school year would make it easy to remember.
Related to an earlier post: Have you read The Number Devil by Hans Magnus Enzensberger? I really enjoyed that book.
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