Yesterday, Joyce Valenza sent out a tweet directing readers to the
Unquiet Library. in her post on the School Library Journal blog. Then this morning I came across this article: Don’t Worry, Be Scrappy: Good, Cheap Tech for Schools, Cloud Computing and More by Jeffry Hastings.
Both of these articles got me thinking about using different applications to reach my high school student audience in ways that are more familiar to them and to save time and precious budget $$ by going to cloud computing.
As Joyce points out, the librarians at Creekview High School, Buffy Hamilton and Ruth Fleet, are making good use of cloud computing with:
a wiki
Joyce's post could not have come at a better time as I had recently made the decision to take my library 'into the clouds'. This site will serve as a great model. I've kicked things off by starting a delicious acct. and a wiki but now I have many more ideas to fly with. (Just noticed that abbreviated words are creeping into my writing, too much Twittering I suspect!)
Using a YouTube video player I can save author chats directly from YouTube to the library wiki. This is easily done by signing up for a YouTube account, creating a player, and saving videos to the playlist for that player as you come across them. You can create additional players for different purposes.
I have also been mulling over the merits of having one central page for resources that all the high school librarians in the district might contribute and link to. Is it better to collaborate or each create individual digital presences suited to our needs?
What are you doing in your school to create an online presence? How do you see this helping you to serve your patrons better?
Photo used under Creative Commons license from Robyn's Nest http://www.flickr.com/photos/robynsnest/12405841/sizes/s/
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