There's a wonderful interconnectedness happening these days. My friend Hazel Clark posted a tweet about her visit to Ottawa and in it she quoted author John Ralston Saul.
"Saul says he can trace the literacy skills in an area to the elements of a library program in place in the school."
Her Tweet was picked up and posted in a newsletter which led me to two great sites for school librarians:
Schlib Tips and Tools
and ilibrarian
The value in being part of online communities like Twitter, of opening your personal learning network (PLN) to include online groups in your area of speciality lies in the richness of resources that will come your way.
Twitter is catching on in a big way. Do you use Twitter?
Have you started an RSS feed for the great blog posts by other librarians?
Have you formed an online community of practice with other librarians in your district? In today's interconnected world there is no reason for librarians to feel isolated geographically. There is no limit to the professional learning opportunities offered online for free.
Learning is social. Join in the conversation.
Image used under a Creative Commons license by ~Aphrodite at
Related Post:
Twitter: A Brief Beginner's Guide
just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your frequent posts about how useful twitter is. I used it for a while but found myself put off by so many random things. Having more of a library focus makes sense. Your posts are making me want to get back on it again. thanks. :)
Thanks for the lovely comment. I also find myself dipping in and out of Twitter, but that's how it's supposed to work. Tweetdeck has been very useful in helping me set up groups for the people whose tweets I don't want to miss. There is not a day that goes by when I don't snag at least one very useful idea from Twitter. Anyone not yet convinced of it's value might find reasons here - http://mrslwalker.com/?p=79620905
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