You may have noticed, I'm a big fan of Twitter. This blog post "How your Library may not be using Twitter but Should" provides some great suggestions.
So how about some feedback by way of comments?
Do you (or your school library) have a twitter account?
What is your best tweet so far?
How could you reword some of your tweets to make them more intriguing to students?
Still not convinced that Twitter is of any use? Here's what I came across recently on Twitter.
- Google Fast Flip - an interesting new way to search the news
- 7 alternatives to SparkNotes & CliffsNotes for Book Summaries
- 10 Solid tips to Safeguard your Facebook Privacy
- 4 Websites with LOTS of Completely Free Ebooks that don't Suck
Reader’s Workshop – The Sway Way!
8 years ago
I love this post. One of my dreams would be to have a school library twitter account that students to which students could subscribe. I would love to use tweets to highlight new book arrivals, a book pic of the day/week, research reminders for student projects, library activities, etc. However, while my school is fairly liberal allowing students on websites, we have not come far enough yet to allow twitter (even for teachers). So, I am checking out edmodo this year and starting a school blog, both of which are not blocked by the school server:)
I wonder how many schools do allow twitter?
I started a Twitter account for my school last spring and for a few months was the primary tweeter. This fall I have been encouraging the admin and office staff to start using the account and sending out notices. To date we have 42 followers so it's a slow start. There are 2 or 3 other schools in our district that have started to twitter.
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