My neighbours to the south have just finished celebrating their Thanksgiving and for us here in Canada it's a month gone already but I am in a particularly thankful mood these days. The WebFooted Booklady has been nominated by two fellow educators for an Edublog award. Thanks again to David Truss and Liz B. Davis both extraordinarily thoughtful, creative and generous educators in their own right.
This is very humbling and a great honour. It has also induced a state of writer's block although I am more of a post-when-the-mood-strikes kind of writer than a post-every-day person. :)
Alec Couros (@courosa) re-tweeted recently something that struck a chord, "RT @Kicode Amazes me that strangers find content I produce helpful when I can't get people who know me well 2 even look"
In a world where the daily frustrations of working with busy people can be discouraging it's gratifying to know that the work one does reaches people beyond the work place walls.
Reader’s Workshop – The Sway Way!
8 years ago
Lesley, this recognition is so deserved. You are living the new paradigm: share. I have learned so much from you! Your district and the wider education community is fortunate indeed to have your guidance. :) Congrats!
I think I was blogging for 2 years, on two different blogs, before I had 5 comments from people in my own district. I watched my little ClusterMap blossom, decorated globally with little red dots... I got comments from countries I had to look up on a map, and still the people in my own district were nothing short of clueless. It was discouraging.
But slowly the tide changed... I think Twitter had a lot to do with it. Now I'm half way across the world and people from my old district are looking, I just have to laugh.
Your blog is a great resource and it is reaching people. Geography no longer matters like it did before. You are helping other educators and your work is appreciated!
Thank you.
ps. Take a look at my blogging history, I have many months where I was only able to post 2 or 3 times in the month. I'm also a post-when-the-mood-strikes kind of writer. I like the term 'slowblogger', it permits me to write only when inspired to do so.
Thanks, David, the encouragement is so very much appreciated. Love the term 'slowblogger'!
Jan, that's what it's all about isn't it, the sharing. Our kindergarten teachers were right. :)
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