Thursday, November 5, 2009

Twitter Lists

It had to happen.  Hasn’t everyone blogged about Twitter lists in the past week?
The jury is still out for me as to how useful I will find them.  I made one list of my own and selected 4 others to follow.  So far I haven’t ever clicked on the feeds to see what’s happening on them. 

I worried as I made the list that I might inadvertently leave someone off and offend them.  Compiling the list was onerous but now that it’s done I find it easy to add new people in as I come across them.

I have used lists created by others to find new and interesting people to follow. 
I’m thinking it might be useful to be able to send a message to ONLY the people on your list.  That way you could ask questions or share information with people on specific lists while not boring or irritating the other folks who follow you.

Somehow I have managed to end up on 40 other people’s lists.  Highly flattering in a way.  See the list below.  Just for the record, I might be considered bookish although it’s not a term I consider in an attractive light.  I have passed on a few useful links.  I’m definitely not an ESL teacher or translator but as a teacher librarian can recognize a useful ESL related site when I see on.  I’m not a publisher, unless you count publishing a blog post.  The same can be said for being a writer.

Twitter lists I’m tickled, amused or perplexed to find myself listed on:

-       bookish people
-       quality linkers
-       esl stars
-       publishing
-       rockstar librarians
-       translator –esl teacher
-       writing writers

So what’s your take on twitter lists.  Useful? Waste of time?  Undecided?
Am I missing something blindingly obvious that’s worth a mention?
Please comment!

Look at that, a post with not one hyperlink!  Tsk. Tsk.

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