Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Few of my Favourite Blogs

What makes a great blog? For me it is one which offers some practical tips, things I can put into use right away or provides some food for thought. Here are a few I make time to read whenever they pop up in my Google Reader:

Cathy Nelson's TechnoTuesday
Cathy's enthusiasm if infectious and she always pushes the boundaries.

Joyce Valenza's NeverEndingSearch
on the School Library Journal site
Joyce shares her successes and ideas as she explores new Web 2.0 tools

Will Richardson's Weblogg-ed
Another spot for great ideas.

Nick Senger's Teen Literacy Tips
My English teachers love his ideas and so do I.

Jen Hubert's Reading Rants
For edgey teen reads this is the place for inspiration.

Jeri Hurd's Bib 2.0
Jeri shares great ideas and chronicles her life as a librarian.

Improve your practice, make your day, read a blog!


Anonymous said...

Well just color me shocked!! Reading through my blogs in bloglines today I stumbled across my name in your blogpost, and I get top billing!! Now my authority in technarati may go up again!!! Thanks for the nod, and yes, I read yours TOO!! How funny is that! But I do not who this is blogging from this site--name, location? u can email me with the facts that may be too private to share...(I too began my blog in an anonymous mode...took me a while to come out and admit--yes, I blog!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! Very kind of you. And congratulations on your 100th post!