Every day anxious faces appear at my door with a problem. Usually it's a problem opening files and today was no exception. A student had created a PowerPoint presentation on her mom's new computer at home. She had saved it to a flash drive but couldn't open it when she wanted to show it in her English class.
Zamzar to the rescue! Zamzar offers free online file conversion so I was able to convert the student's .pptx file to a .ppt file that she could show at school. It is ridiculously easy to use. Simply select the file you wish to convert, choose the preferred format, and give them your email address. Depending on how busy the Zamzar system is you will usually receive a link to your converted file in under 20 minutes.
Last week a friend called asking if I new how to change a pdf file into a fillable form. No problem. I used Zamzar to change the pdf file into a Word document.
It converts .docx files into .doc files. This little bit of magic has saved the day many times!
Photo credits to Aphrodite on flickr