In two short weeks I will be heading back for what might may very well be my final year in the teaching profession. It's a odd feeling. Here are some random things I've been stockpiling in delicious.
Last week Slate Magazine published an article titled "How the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous." I tweeted about it saying that I had always thought I loved the thrill of the search because I was a librarian. The quick-witted Nancy Alibrandi replied, "Yes! What we thought was a mad search for information all these years turns out to be a mad search for dopamine! : )"
Maybe we can turn that to our advantage with students. If searching is such as addiction they should lap up the search challenges we give them to hone their skills for finding good information. There are some useful search tools and ideas posted on the Web in the Classroom wiki.
If you are helping teachers with blogs or wikis this year, here's a useful post from Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age:
Blogging?? Wiki?? What?? It includes rubrics for assessing student blogs, sample permission documents, and addresses copyright issues. This post is a veritable gold mine of ideas for using blogs and wikis in the classroom and includes many links to useful resources.
Another tool your teachers may want to learn more about is Skype. in her Teacher Et cetera blog, Ms. Ward has assembled a stellar collection of resources with links to ideas for using Skype in the classroom, getting started, resources, and ways to find other teachers and projects using Skype. Be sure to read the comments for more good resources.
Learn-gasm provides a list of 100 Incredibly Inspiring Blog Posts for Educators. There's bound to be something here to inspire your colleagues as they head back into the classroom. offers 4 Great Ways To Keep Track Of Your Expanding Book Collection. I've have been trying out Shelfari and have found it to be very useful. These tools could be used to highlight books in a your library collection or as a tool for book clubs. School Library Journal has an article on YALSA's Best Books for Young Adults teen session with some great recommedations and feedback from teens.
There you go. If you have resources to recommend as we head back into our libraries and classrooms please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading!
Reader’s Workshop – The Sway Way!
8 years ago
Thanks for the useful resources. Not that I'll be needing any, since I'm already retired. I'm going to RT your Twitter post to share with others.
Glad you found them helpful and are still spreading the word!
Thanks so much passing on my post on Skype. I'm glad that you found it useful! Who knows, maybe we can find a way to connect our classes using Skype this year!
Hi Jennifer,
I have an English teacher who is keen on exploring new ways to enhance her teaching through online tools. She may be interested in doing a Skype project. At any rate I've passed on your blog to her as I'm sure she'll find it a gold mine!
Hello Thank you for sharing my page on blogging. I am always looking for blogging buddies so if anyone wants to collaborate, leave a comment (with your email address or blog page) on any post on my page Thanks again! :)
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