I listened in on my first WOW2.0 event this evening and was indeed wowed as Joyce Valenza and Doug Johnson talked about libraries in the 21st century. I am glad they will be posting both the audio session and the accompanying chat
here or in the archives on the
EdTechTalk site. This was the 65th program. Links mentioned in the broadcast are available on the WOW2.0
del.icio.us page
There was so much to listen to, read and respond to from the speakers and over 70 attendees. It's an art taking part in a session like this but each time it gets a little easier. You can visit the
Women of Web 2.0 wiki for more resources and information.
I typed over a page of notes as I was listening. I loved Joyce's idea of having students set up personal home pages using iGoogle or
Pageflakes. I tried this in a limited way this year using del.icio.us but now I can see many more possibilities using iGoogle or Pageflakes. I will make time to visit the career planning classes next September and have all the kids set up personal pages.
I loved the idea of using
voicethread to discuss books. My English department teachers are always the most open to trying new things so that will be a good place to start.
On another note, the March list of
Top 100 alternative search engines is now available.
Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaptainkobold/180798834/sizes/s/