Thursday, October 23, 2008

Search/Save/Share with MiddleSpot

Just exploring a new search engine called MiddleSpot which is a Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day.

MiddleSpot is a visual search engine that displays thumbnails of sites. The interesting feature for me is that it allows you to save a list of the sites you want (called a workpad) and share that list with others. lets you:
- see screenshots of your results that you zoom and pan like a map...
- save individual results to a personal workpad...
- share your workpad with friends, colleagues, and family...

I did a sample search for ‘personal learning networks’ and found four great blog posts on the subject that I embedded here:

I'd like to use this with student's by having them find the best sites for a research project and then post it to the class blog.

Check out the Tools tab for some great add-ons like the MiddleSpot Me bookmarklet. It also explains how you can add to your workpad straight from a Google Search.

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