I started this summer feeling lost. My library is being automated and the presence of cataloguers had precluded my usual plan to lug home bags of books to read over the summer. However, it didn't take long to fill the coffee table with alternatives. Some came from a visit to my local discount bookstore, others from the recommendations of people in the Web 2.0 community and a few from friends. It's been a great summer for reading due to the unusual number of rainy days; we broke several longstanding records. Now with another full month of holiday ahead I think it's time for a visit to the local public library. Read any good books lately?
1 comment:
Wow, I just saw this--I didn't know Minette Walters had a new one out. I LOVE her. Have you read The Sculptress or The Scold's Bridle? Great stuff.
Amazon, here I come...
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