I have been inspired by Moira Ekdahl's wonderful
T/L Weekly Special Report blog for Vancouver TL's and have decided that posting similar information here would be a valuable way to use this space.
This week:
Stacy Reed has collected resources for teachers and students on her wiki
Librarian Chick. Well worth a look.
I am seeing more potential with wikis and although I started out using pb wiki for library related information I have recently become a fan of
wikispaces. They are offering a free subscription for a year to educators. I'm finding their interface very user-friendly. To view the pages I use to support Web in the Classroom workshops click
WIC. There are sections corresponding to each chapter as well as information on useful web2.0 resources.
On Friday, Feb. 15, Seycove is hosting Linda O'Reilly who will speak on reading strategies. Attendees will receive a copy of her resources on CD. This session runs from 9:00-12:00. Please RSVP me if you would like to attend.
Last week, Els Kushner, from NVDPL came in to do a session in the library on Graphic Novels during the lunch hour. I was away that day but one of the English teachers was inspired by her presentation.
Photo Attribution: Ihtatho -http://flickr.com/photos/ihtatho/627226315/sizes/l/
Used under the Creative Commons license.